In the past 14-plus years that I have known Barbara Fischer-Bartelmann, I have alway thought of her as an expert of PBSP. She is an outstanding theoretician, an exquisite teacher and coach of the intervention techniques and a respectful and caring practitioner.
Having completed the 3-year training program in 2001, she continued, without interruption, as translator, supervisor/trainer in training and then assistant trainer for Al Pesso and Lowijs Perquin
in the many training programs they conducted. I think it was this unique position that immersed her in PBSP theory and practice. She knows it inside and out. While Al was ever
evolving the theory, Barbara was synthesizing the new and the old. She has really integrated all the components of PBSP in a very clear, coherent, understandable way.
Barbara is an excellent, creative teacher and very generous with her knowledge. As a trainer, she is able to take the complication of the theory, make creative learning modules, and demonstrate
them in a fun, understandable way. In our Trainer's Training, I was most touched by Barbara's teaching structures. Her respectful skill, goodheartedness and ever watchful eye created such a safe
holding place for the
client, I remember as an observer, how I would have liked to be her client.
I have turned to her many times throughout the years for colloquial consultation and her feedback is outstanding, She is thorough, explaining and considering every point and fully engaged.
I enjoy
these contacts as I always leave with my thinking expanded and my creativity tweeked.
I am grateful she is on the team of International PBSP Trainers.
Frau B. Fischer-Bartelmann gelingt es in lebendiger und vortrefflicher Weise die von Al Pesso entwickelte Körperpsychotherapie-Methode im Seminarkontext zu vermitteln. Ich konnte eine überaus gelungene Balance zwischen Selbsterfahrung mit eigener Prozesssteuerung als auch die spezifische Pesso –Lehrdidaktik, bestehend aus Theorie, Methodenvielfalt und Metaebenen-Reflexion genießen.
Frau B. verkörpert authentisch, die Abstinenz gepaart mit lebendiger Herzqualität, die innere Pesso-Haltung.
Rolf Krizian, Leiter der Scola Bildungsakademie
Zunächst nochmal herzliche Gratulation und Hochachtung zu so einem gelungenen Seminar, zu Deiner Professionalität und Persönlichkeit, aber noch viel mehr DANKE für diese Art von Information, Ansprache, Zuwendung und sogar Heilung! Ich bin absolut begeistert und froh zu wissen, dass es endlich lang herbeigesehnte und brillante Therapiemöglichkeiten für mich zu geben scheint und ich diese Möglichkeit hatte, dies so umfänglich zu erfahren. Vielen Dank! Jetzt möchte ich ganz viel mehr davon...
Pesso-Therapie Kontaktdaten:
Being in Touch - Institut für Pesso-Therapie
staatlich anerkannte Bildungseinrichtung nach § 4 Nr. 21 a) bb) UStG
Barbara Fischer-Bartelmann, Dipl.-Psych., M.A., Psychologische Psychotherapeutin
International Certified PBSP Therapist, Trainer and Supervisor
Mühlweg 5-5 | D-69118 Heidelberg-Ziegelhausen (Link Google